Tuesday 2 April 2019

Recording 4th level: April

Hello everybody! April is here with a new audio for you! Listen to Wayne's recording, he is reading some facts about forests and squirrels. Then it is your turn to record your voices and send me your audios. Good luck!!!!

Recording 5th level: April

Hi there, Wayne has prepared an interesting activity for you and we are going to use it for the audio of April. Listen to Wayne talking about these fruits and vegetables, record your voices and send me your audios.

Monday 1 April 2019

6th level: Recording April

April is here, and we have a new audio this month. Listen to Wayne and his audio of the poem "A visit from the Queen" and then, record you voice and send it to me.

Saturday 9 March 2019

6th level: recording March

Leonardo da Vinci was a very interesting man. This month the recording for 6th level is a short text about him that we read in class. Listen to Wayne and send me your audios!

4th level: recording March

March is here and this is the text that 4th level students have to record this month. Good luck!! I look forward to hearing your audios!!

5th level: recording March

We are in March, and this month we celebrate the International Women's Day. Therefore, 5th level students have to listen to Wayne and record their voices reading the text we worked in class. Come on!

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Recording February

Hello everybody!
The audio of February is this short poem that we read in class. Listen to Wayne and send me your audios. Can you learn it by heart?

Thursday 7 February 2019

Kemi's visit

Today Kemi, a friend of our language assistant Wayne, came to our 6B oral communication lesson. Her visit was very interesting. She explained us a lot of things about her and also about her job in Google. Now many students want to work for Google too!

Monday 21 January 2019

6th level mind maps: the city!

What do 6th level students know about cities? In their mind maps they put some of the places, buildings and transports they know in a creative way!

6th level mind map: the city

5th level mind maps: jobs

5th level students are working a topic about jobs. Here you can find some examples of the mind maps they created!

5th level: jobs

Tuesday 15 January 2019

5th level: recording January

A text of our 5th level book was about Selena Gomez. Now 5th level students have to listen to Wayne again and send me their audios reading it.

Sunday 13 January 2019

6th level: recording January

6th level students read a short text of Wimpy Greg about New Year resolutions in class. Now it is time to listen to Wayne and send me your audios reading it!

4th level: recording January

4th level students worked this text about firefighters in class. Now it is time to listen to Wayne and send me your audios reading it!

4th level mind maps

Here you can see the mind maps about a job of 4th level students. Some of them are very creative!!!

4th level mind maps: jobs

Sunday 16 December 2018

6th level: little chefs project

Dear 6th level students, here you can find the video of Wayne's recipe. Have a look at it and then it is your turn!